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Hi, I’m Chloe Donile

I am an Illustrator, Designer, and Snack Scientist. My designs consist of one-of-a-kind characters and imaginative worlds with unique stories. The possibilities are endless and following the rules is not how I operate. 

In order to keep my creative machine running smoothly, I am constantly observing the world around me trying to figure out how to make something of it from my perspective. 

Other Interests

  • Cooking & Baking: There is so much science involved. I love researching how different elements play a part in a recipe. How a 65% hydration dough varies greatly from a 70% hydration dough. Using baking powder in you chocolate chip cookies (learn how to make your perfect cookie here) to get a taller cookie. Endless possibilities.

  • Reading: Just like our bodies need to consume nutrients to function, we need to fuel our brain with knowledge and inspiration from books to create on a regular basis. I notice when I’m not reading as much, I have a harder time drawing. I read everyday no matter what. That is how I finish 50+ books every year. Read about my all time favorite books here.

  • My Dog, Louie: He is my best friend and provides endless amounts of inspiration. I can count on him to make me feel better whenever I am down. We go on adventures together all the time. He doesn’t mind car rides, as long as he gets a snack. Fries and vanilla custard are his go-to.

  • LEGO: There is nothing more satisfying than dumping out a giant LEGO set and knowing you have hours of building fun ahead of you. Clicking in that final LEGO piece is *chef’s kiss*.