Bring Back The Blog They Said

I’ve missed writing on my blog and I have no clue why I left her to sink into a black hole of nothing! I have been making a list of things to write about and share on here. I want it to add to my newsletter because that is the top secret exclusive club! Summer means more drawing, plotting, and adventures! Less baking unfortunately. It is just too darn hot!

I did make puppy chow bars last week and that would be a great summer treat to make since it only requires the stove top. Something I have been wanting to experiment with is s’more brownie skillets. Make a graham cracker crust and a super gooey chocolate brownie and then top them with marshmallows and broil them. Another one on my to do list is a chocolate peanut butter pie. Mash up Oreos to make a pie crust, then mix chocolate, peanut butter, whipped cream, powdered sugar, and cream cheese to make a delightfully fluffy filling.

In Xbox world, I am still replaying Fallout 4 and Red Dead 2. I gave Elden Ring a try, but it ultimately pissed me off to the point I was avoiding my Xbox. SO maybe I’ll give it another shot down the road. But, for now, I’ll stick to adventuring in the comfort of those two worlds.

Drawing town is going crazy lately! I have been making a bunch of stuff that I am actually enjoying. I am constantly going back and forth on whether or not I actually need to buy more markers. Obviously, the answer is always yes, but is it a good idea???

I have quite the list of projects I want to make with the Cricut. I just wrapped up a fun one-

Homemade Anti-Social Sweatshirt. Currently 1 of 2 in existence.

I’ve got some ideas for pennants, flags, and more! Keep an eye out for more crafts.

In my little music world a friend got me hooked on Fleet Foxes again. So, I am on my hipster/indie/folk/alternative kick again.

I think that just about sums up any trouble I have gotten into lately. Keep your eyes peeled for more posts! If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, give it a go! I ship it out on the first of the month!


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Snack Lab - Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies