Season 2 of The Great

If you have no clue what I am referring to, please take some time to watch season 1 on Hulu and then come back here. If you know anything about Catherine the Great you know she was a badass. She was a German born Princess who married Peter the III, took over the throne after Peter was forced to abdicate and modernized Russia. She reigned for 34 years until she died in 1796. Anyways, Catherine the Great has been snubbed of a great TV show or movie until now. This is a modern retelling of her life and isn’t 100% true! But, it is still hysterical, witty, and tells the story of how she became the Emperor of Russia and follows along as she attempts to make radical change in Russia (educating women, believing in science over the church, freeing the serfs, and pushing the importance of art).

Be warned…spoilers ahead matey’s.

Season 2 launches right where season 1 left us with Catherine and her rag tag bunch attempting a coup d'état (kicking her husband off the throne). It all comes down to Peter being hungry and happily abdicating so he can enjoy the feast Catherine had prepared. This season also brings us the potential heir (It is assumed that real world Catherine’s children were all illegitimate and not Peter’s) to the throne with Catherine being pregnant, science fairs, omens and more madness. I had no clue where this season was going to go since Peter is mysteriously murdered soon after Catherine takes over in the real world. There was no way they could kill him off in the show since Elle Fanning (Catherine) and Nicholas Holt (Peter) are fantastic together. I don’t want to ruin the whole season for you, just enough so you want to watch the whole thing in one sitting.



What is my Purpose in Life?


Just Make Everything Turtle