The Only Valuable Resource the Government has EVER Provided

I am trying to spread the word about this website because there is TRUCK LOADS of valuable information. If you are looking for a new job, career change, or in high school unsure of your next step check out this website. Now, I never recommend anything the government has their hands on, but this is actually well done. Some 3rd party is probably in charge of it, but it still is awesome.

  1. Start off with this Interest Profiler (this is fun to do even if you aren’t looking for a job, it just gives you more insight on yourself!) This profiler uses Holland Codes which correlate to different personality types. There are six different scores you get- Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. You can read more about each category on Hopkins Medicine.

  2. Once you have all of your numbers head on over to ONET and click the category you got the highest number in. Then you can plug in your second and third highest score to narrow down potential careers.

  3. Mess around. This website has so much information. There are so many careers I had no clue existed. Once you find something that interests you, you can see how to get into that career, earning potential, and job growth over the next decade.

I am trying to spread the word about this website because I wish I knew it existed back when I was in high school. I guess I am glad I eventually found it!


Fruity Pebble Cereal Milk Cake


Conquering Shading