Just Start. You’ll Never Be Ready

I think this is something EVERYONE who comes up with ideas and wants to execute on them struggles with. We never feel like we are ready, or maybe we need to read one more book, watch one more video, or someone’s talk might have the answer.

Newsflash- no one knows what they are doing or what is going on in the world.

Successful people just do things. They don’t worry about messing up or imposter syndrome. They just run with ideas they think will work. As time goes on you will get better and find your stride. This is something I wish I realized a few years back. Whatever answer you are looking for, it isn’t out in the world. It’s in the work you put in. Each time you practice drawing, making a video, writing, or anything you want to get better at- you only get better by practicing.

I have been editing videos again for the past couple of weeks and every single week they get better. I get frustrated because I have a very small following, but my videos are terrible right now. It just gives me time to get to a point where people enjoy watching my videos and I don’t look like an absolute fool. Please stop sitting around waiting for the right moment or to be “ready”. There is no “ready”!

I am someone who struggles with coloring digitally. I finally had enough sitting around contemplating color palettes for illustrations a couple of weeks back. Now I work on a separate layer and just start putting color on the canvas. If it doesn’t work, I make a new layer with different color combinations. It might take 5-6 tries, but I always figure it out. On top of that, I always get better each time I try this out. Hopefully, as time goes on I won’t need to try out that many combinations to land on a final color decision. But, I think that part is fun now because I am just experimenting and making what I want.

Time is our most valuable resource that we have no control over. Please stop waiting around for things to be just right. They never will be! Life loves to throw curveballs at us. If you truly love to do something, take time out of your day to just make something. No matter how complex or if you even like it. That is the only way you’ll improve.

Stick with it, enjoy the journey, and you’ve got this.


What is Snack Lab?


Judging Your Work