Reading Directly Affects My Creative Output

This is a discovery I made a long time ago and you might notice something similar. Whenever I run into a doodle drought, I am almost always in a reading slump. That is exactly what happened last month. I was putting out so much work in the beginning of June and reading a ton. Then the second half of the month I couldn’t find a good book to read and I noticed I couldn’t bring myself to draw. I finally found a good book and I am filling in my sketchbook again. It feels great to be drawing again. I feel like a part of me is missing when I can’t draw.

If you don’t draw, you might be wondering…how can you not draw??? It makes no sense to me, but I think of it as a yearly reset button. I start making things because that general pattern is doing well on social media. I am hoping this becomes less of a problem now that I am not trying to make it my main source of income. That definitely adds some pressure and takes away the fun. Sometimes you need to step away from the craft and let your brain take a break. I don’t like doing it, but the more you try and force yourself to draw, the more miserable it becomes.

I have noticed I am trying to make more digital work, but it is just not as satisfying to me. I like playing with my different mediums! I am trying to figure out how I want to get some larger detailed posters made. I would love to work with a Riso printer if anyone knows of any studios. That kind of print style has always intrigued me.

Thanks for sticking around friends!


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